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Saturday, August 13, 2022

Prescription Drug are Abuse.

Prescription Drug are Abuse.

What is a Prescription Drug Abuse?

Prescription drugs abuse over in the years has taken a epidemic in a proportions, however it is a still to catch in the attention of the health policy makers to the implement safety and preventive measures.  The abuse has a escalated at an a alarming rate over in the last couple of the decades making it a simmering health issue among in the younger population in a many countries. The most common misuse is with a drugs that are either stop pain or a experience a high to stay alert or a lose weight.  Most of the  these abused drugs have some mind-altering in a properties - like a opioids, tranquilizers and stimulant drugs. The drugs are obviously being a consumed for a purposes other than their intended use or a used by a individuals other than the person for whom they were a prescribed. The misuse of these drugs can be as a dangerous as with drugs that are illegal or a street drugs. The abuse can be lead to the drug addiction, drug interactions and overdose in a deaths.

There is a higher prevalence among in the men for a abuse of the opioids in some countries and in others in the prevalence is a similar for both in the sexes. It is a estimated that about 52 million Americans at the least once during in their lifetime use a prescription drugs for a purpose other than for which it is a prescribed. The opioids are generally prescribed for a pain whereas  stimulants are given for in the treatment of  the conditions such as a A D H D or for a weight loss.

Which are Prescription Drugs are Commonly Abused?

Prescription drugs are belonging to the following classes are commonly misused.

Opioid pain are relievers also called as a Happy Pills – e.g. Products containing in the opioid drugs like a codeine, hydrocodone and oxycodone.

Stimulants for a treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (A D H D) – e.g. Products containing drugs like a amphetamine and methamphetamine.

Central Nervous in a  System (CNS) depressants / Anxiety relievers - also known as a Sleeping pills or a Zombie ills– e.g. Diazepam and alprazolam.

How are Prescription Drugs Misused or a Abused?

The prescriptions drugs can be as a dangerous, sometimes even more than the prohibited or a illegal drugs. They can be lead to the adverse health effects and an a overdose of these prescription drugs can be a fatal, when taken in a combination with a alcohol or other drugs.

Prescription and OTC drugs could be a abused in a following ways:

Consuming medications prescribed for a others, without consulting to a health provider – This is a normally observed within a family, when unused or a spare painkillers or a sedatives are used by a person other than the one prescribed

Taking a medications in a higher dose or in a manner other than a prescribed – The medications which are to be used a orally are abused by a consuming in a different form, e.g. crushing in the tablets and snorting in the powder. This methodology accelerates in the entry into a bloodstream and in  the effects are seen immediately

Consuming medications for in the purpose of the obtaining to a high – Some drugs produce enjoyable effects at the same dose as a prescribed for a particular ailment. Therefore, people abuse these drugs, in a order to get a “high”

Mixing with a other drugs – Some people mix a prescription drugs with a alcohol or other drugs and this misuse could be a dangerous

What are the Effects of  the Prescription Drugs on a Body Systems?

Abuse of  the prescription drugs could affect in the various organs in a body.

Effects on the brain: The brain has some chemicals known as a neurotransmitters and some prescription drugs work on these neurotransmitters, which produce effects varying with in the drug.

Stimulants such as a methamphetamine (Ritalin) increase in the levels of the brain chemicals dopamine and nor-epinephrine. The effects produced are similar to the  cocaine.

Opioid pain killers such as a hydrocodone (Oxycontin) attach to the same receptors as a targeted by a  illegal opioids like a heroin. These are involved in the perception of  the pain and pleasure.

Antidepressants produce a calming and the relaxing effects by a altering in the levels of the neurotransmitters in the brain.

A passion to the experience in these pleasurable feelings often leads to the addiction or a drug dependence.

Other health effects of the drugs are include in the following:

Opioids like a codeine and hydrocodone may cause in a constipation, drowsiness and slow down breathing. The slow breathing at the high doses reduces in the amount of the oxygen that reaches brain, causing hypoxia. This could lead to coma and permanent brain damage

CNS depressants like a barbiturates slow down a activity of the brain and may be a cause drowsiness and lack of the co-ordination. At higher doses, these can cause death, especially when combined with a alcohol or other cold and allergy medications.

Stimulants like a amphetamine or methamphetamine may be cause in the body temperature to the rise and make heart beat very fast.

What Factors Increase in the Risk of the Drug Abuse?

Many factors, in a isolation or in a combination, could play a role in a triggering drug abuse. These could include genetic, environmental and social factors.

Family members- Members in a family who are already addicted or a abuse drugs can be a influence other young or a susceptible members to  the abuse drugs

School- Friends who have been a abusing drugs can be encourage or a provoke colleagues to the try drugs for a one time and this could lead to the addiction

Social influence – Social factors like a unstable relationships, peer pressure, sexual abuse, rebellious feeling and low confidence could all the lead to the drug abuse

What could be the Consequence of  the Prescription Drug Abuse?

Some of the consequences of the prescription drug abuse could include in the following:

Motor vehicle accidents due to the driving under in the influence of the drugs

Decreased academic performance

Being involved in a crime

Troubled relationships

How to the Overcome or a Treat Prescription Drug Abuse?

Depending on the individual and in the drug being abused, two main categories of the drug addiction treatment have been a used, behavioral and pharmacological.

Behavioral treatment: Individuals are counselled to handle in the way in which they can be reduce in the dose of  the drugs, get rid of the cravings and overcome relapses.

Pharmacological treatment: In a order to the  overcome the drug abuse, detoxification may be a needed as a part of the treatment. This could vary with the prescription drug being abused and the purpose for which it is used. The detoxification could lead to the withdrawal symptoms which could be a dangerous; hence, this must be done as a recommended by a healthcare are provider.

Example of the methodologies to overcome specific drug abuse include:

Overcoming opioid abuse: The dose of the opioid is a reduced gradually until no dose is a administered. Other supporting medications like a clonidine, used for a high blood pressure, can be a prescribed for a managing opioid withdrawal in a symptoms.

Treatment from a abuse of the sedatives or a anti-anxiety medications: The dose needs to be a reduced gradually until no dose is a administered. The withdrawal symptoms could be a severe and it could take a time for the body to adjust to the low doses of the medications. Simultaneously, other medications may need to be a administered to the  stabilize mood and reduce a anxiety.

Withdrawal from a Stimulants: The dose of the stimulants needs to be a gradually decreased and the symptoms of the sleep, diet and mood need to be a addressed, under supervision of the  healthcare provider.

Health Tips to the Avoid and Control Prescription Drug Abuse

Keep a medications, especially sedatives, stimulants and the opioid pain killers in a safe place

Do not use a medications prescribed for a others

Avoid a temptations and peer pressure to take a medications that are not a prescribed for you

Seek help for a mental illness


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Basics of  the Prescription Drug Abuse -

( abuse/basics/definition/con-20032471)

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( facts/prescription-drugs.html)

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Prescription Drug Abuse Facts and Statistics -

( beginnings drug

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