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Friday, September 30, 2022

Remove in these 7 foods from your diet if you want a white teeth.

Remove in these 7 foods from your diet if you want a white teeth.

Gums and teeth are a reflection of your oral health, and what you eat influences their health. Here are 7 foods that stain teeth and make them appear yellow.

Your oral has a lot to do with your impression on a other people. But if your teeth are turning yellow, that is a warning sign and it is bad for your dental health. So, what causes dental stains? The adage “We are what we eat” certainly applies to your oral health. While a some foods might help you whiten to your teeth, there are also some foods that stain teeth and give them a yellow or a brown appearance. Therefore, you must be cut them out of your diet in a order to have a radiant smile.

Foods and drinks that cause a yellow teeth

Along with a maintaining proper oral hygiene, which entails routinely brushing, flossing, and rinsing, we should be  a cautious about in the foods we eat. In actuality, eating a healthy diet can not only help prevent teeth staining but will also improve to your overall oral health.

Health Shots got in a touch with a Deep-ti Locke shape, Ms c Food Science and Nutrition, Senior Consultant-Clinical Nutritionist, Motherhood Hospital, Bengali, to find out which foods are worst for a oral health and make them appear yellow.

Locke shape says, “Having to your morning coffee or your favorite noodles for a lunch might be a doing a lot more than providing you calories and energy. Your dental health is a directly affected by what you eat or a drink. Consuming food items with a dark pigments and acidic content can lead to the stains on your teeth.” So, let’s take a closer look at the food and drink items to the  avoid in order to maintain a bright teeth.

Here are some food and drink items that cause to your teeth to appear yellowish in a color:

1. Coffee and tea

It may be surprising to hear but your favorite beverage such as a tea and coffee contains tannin's that can cause color compounds to stick to your teeth, resulting in yellow teeth. Coffee is also very acidic in a nature, and acidic foods are harmful for a oral health. Instead of them, drink herbal tea to the start your day!

2. Dark cola

Carbonated beverages such as a soda and cola have very acidic pH that can erode the enamel layer which can make your teeth more susceptible to the staining. Plus, chemicals that add flavor in these drinks can also eat away your enamel and promote tooth decay.

Also, read: Say bye to the yellow teeth with these 5 home remedies for a sparkling white teeth

3. Sweets and candies

Everyone agrees on the fact that sugar is the most common enemy of your dental health. Consuming sweets and candies, especially of the dark varieties like a chocolate can be cause staining. Hard candies also come with a pigments that can stick to your teeth. The good news is that they usually would not cause any harm unless you consume those treats often.

4. Soy sauce

You may be like to add a good amount of the soy sauce in your food but your teeth obviously would not like it. The dark brown pigment that it contains can stain your teeth. Over consumption of the highly concentrated sauces like a soy sauce should be a avoided.

5. Citrus and acidic food items

Citric foods like a tomato or a lemon are nutrition packed but these colorful eatables can erode to your enamel layer when consumed in a excessive quantities. They can also a increase to your risk for a developing cavities.

Also, read: Wondering why your teeth are turning yellow? Blame in these 5 culprits

6. Blueberries, blackberries and pomegranates

Though these fruits are rich in a antioxidants, they are highly pigmented and can be cause stains in your teeth. You should eat them in a moderation

7. Red wine

Whether red or a white, wine can be the reason behind to your grayish teeth that are even harder to remove that yellow staining. The acid present in wine can take a toll on your teeth by a damaging in the enamel and make your teeth more susceptible to become yellow.

It is a important to remember that these food items will be cause staining only when they are consumed in a excess. Therefore, monitor in the quantities you consume to protect to your teeth.

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